Game On!

Well, it’s happening, official 9-5 retirement on January 1, 2018.   Jaime and I finally are calling it quits.  For me (TJ) after almost 20 years at one company, and Jaime going to law school, clerking for a judge, 2 big firm jobs and hanging her own shingle, 20 years of marriage, saving our pennies, having no children, and planning to retire early, its finally happening.   No more bosses, clients, meetings, alarm clocks, etc.., well, except for Joey who demands his daily walks, 2 meals a day and endless head and butt scratches.

We are excited to start our 2nd great adventure (I will post about the 1st great adventure at a later date).   We will be setting off full time in our RV.   Our goal is mostly to not have goals, and just enjoy life without timelines.   But Jaime seems to have a 3 degree threshold for 72 degrees (71.5 to 73.5), thus the name of our blog “chasing 72”.  To maintain “Happy Wife, Happy Life”,  we will be moving North in the Summers and South in the Winters.   As well, I have a crazy passion, drive, obsession for fly fishing.  We also plan to visit many friends and family, eat great local foods, experience little town USA for all it has to offer.   Somewhere in there, as we find time, we will also look to give back.   We recognize we are very blessed, and we want to try to and find ways to give back to the local communities we visit.  I think there will be many days at animal shelters.

I’m unsure when we will be able to leave San Diego on our adventures.  We have many clean up duties in San Diego such as selling the house, getting rid of our car lease, etc. etc..   Until then, we will keep you all updated.

Categories: Fun


Anonymous · December 28, 2017 at 1:04 pm


J green · December 28, 2017 at 1:48 pm

If you make it through to Boise…. make sure to stop by and say hello

admin · December 28, 2017 at 2:01 pm

Fo sho! We can’t wait to catch up with everyone.

Heather Gardner · January 5, 2018 at 7:39 pm

Congrats to you both. I know you have worked hard and planned for aing time. I would be lying if I said I weren’t envious but my joy for your new adventure outweighs my green eyed monster. Please remember our 4500 foot elevation has amazing touring and hidden gems and today the high was 71. So come visit!

B Lopez · January 6, 2018 at 5:17 am

May your fishing lines be endlessly full, your dog’s butt endlessly scratched, your wife endlessly happy, and gas prices endlessly low. Enjoy!!

Sarah P. · January 6, 2018 at 5:20 pm

Wow, this is amazing! Good luck, let’s get together before you head out.

Sharre schlarmann · May 10, 2018 at 7:58 pm

OMG I am so so happy for you and Jaime
I admire you both for chasing you dream
Enjoy your travels
I’m good. Looking to finally settling in one spot. I have four grandchildren that keep me on my toes, but I too am totally retired and loving my free time just sitting on my butt waiting for one of the Grands to call me. Keep in touch. I so miss you

    TJ Galati · May 14, 2018 at 11:51 am

    I miss you too. I’m glad u r enjoying life! Subscribe to the newsletter to keep up to date!

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