Hey Chasers,

Thanks for sticking with me.   As most of you know there has been a significant change in my life in the past month which has made posting articles difficult, weird, contentious, etc…   I’m finally over the drama and ready to move on, hopefully without offending anyone.   So onward.

The site:

I’ve completely changed over the site to be called Chasing-WOW.   I think this more exemplifies me and my drive to experience and share things that make me say WOW.   Not only an alternative nomadic lifestyle, but the topography, flora, fauna, people and experiences that lighten my day, and vicariously, yours, if you will allow.

For those of you that were subscribed to the old site’s weekly newsletter, you are automatically part of the new sites newsletter.  I hope to be worthy of a few minutes of your time on stressful Monday mornings.   Take a break from your work and give a few posts a read.   I always aim to make you say, “WOW”, or at least chuckle a little.   If you pee your pants laughing, then I hope you share with a friend.

YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter:

Changing over the social media sites has been a chore, and FB is still giving me some grief, but I hope to have them all looking the same soon.   All posts push to FB, Twitter and Instagram.   YouTube is storage of videos that are linked on site and blog posts.


I have a lot of work to catch you up on my adventures over the past month.   Im excited to put this together for you in the next few days, but it may take a few weeks as I have a few WOWs to make in the next few days.

Please comment on posts on the site or social media.   Remember, I’m all alone out here, so your comments keep me going, and hopefully give me some constructive criticism and ways to improve myself, the site and my journey.

Where am I:

I will be keeping this on the front page now.   A quick simple description of my location, some cool facts, why I am here, etc..     I will also put some notes on my next destinations, if i know them.

Tomorrow is a gift. Lets do this!




Categories: Fun


The Jensen’s · July 31, 2018 at 9:38 am

Keep up the adventures TJ! Can’t wait to see what you post next 😍

Skye · July 31, 2018 at 10:23 am

It is exciting to live vicariously through your travels and adventures. Keep the travel saga coming…

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